How Long Does It Take to Learn German (Realistically)

The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) estimates that learning German will take about 30 weeks, or 750 classroom hours, as it is rated as a category two language similar to English.
German uses the same grammar structure as English, so you can translate a word and place it back in the same word order without changing the meaning. To learn German, you will need to determine your fluency goal, so you can choose the right tools, methods, and vocabulary to assist you.
You will reach levels faster when you study regularly than just a few hours a month. In fact, the number of hours you study generally increases your fluency in German.
So, whether you want to study abroad in Germany, move to German-speaking countries, or simply learn German to speak with your friends, it is possible to do so quite quickly with enough commitment!
The following table shows how many weeks you'll need to get through each level. About 160 - 180 lessons are required per level.
Proficiency Level | Duration (20 lessons per week) | Duration (30 lessons per week) |
A1 (Lower Beginner) | 8 weeks (60-150 hours) | 6 weeks |
A2 (Upper Beginner) | 8 weeks (150-260 hours) | 6 weeks |
B1 (Lower Intermediate) | 8 weeks (260-490 hours) | 6 weeks |
B2 (Upper Intermediate) | 10 weeks (450-600 hours) | 6 weeks |
C1 (Lower Advanced) | Individual* (600-750 hours) | 6 weeks |
C2 (Upper Advanced/Fluent) | Individual* (750+ hours) | Individual* |
How Long Does it Take to Learn Basic German?
You should be able to grasp most of the basics, such as haben (to have) and sein (to be), as well as the Perfekt tense (Perfect Tense), within a month.
How Long Does it Take to Get Fluent in German?
If you take intensive classes (around 20 hours per week), you can reach the B1 level of day-to-day fluency. Fluency takes more than 3 months, but you can still learn in less time if you adjust your strategy.
How Long Does It Take To Learn German A1?
According to the Goeth Institute, it takes at least 2-3 months for someone to learn German A1 daily. While some courses offer weekend options or 3-day weekday lessons, it generally takes about three months to learn German at this level, depending on your motivation.
German lessons start by introducing German culture to a non-German speaker. Basic German grammar skills are the most important part to learn at the German A1 level. To achieve this level, you'll need to be familiar with sentence structures and develop your writing skills, even with basic conversations.
You'll be able to express yourself naturally and create basic phrases relevant to everyday life. To move on to the next proficiency level, you will need to take TestDaf (Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache) after studying German A1 for three months.
Suppose a language learner wishes to achieve this period of study. In that case, they must attend at least intensive German classes.
Can I Learn A1 German in 1 Month?
Yes, you can learn German A1 in a month. There are many ways to learn German faster and pass the A1 exam in a month. Students can achieve their goal only if they are dedicated to studying and are giving 100%.
How Long Does It Take To Learn German A2?
It will take 150 to 260 hours to complete the A2 level. This level includes the understanding of indirect objective case, prepositions with dative and accusative, reflexive and separable verbs, declension of pronouns, simple future tense, past tense, and passive voice.
In this level, you will be able to discuss basic topics and express your needs, such as when you are purchasing something; you will be able to understand expressions and phrases associated with topics related to your immediate circumstances (for example, personal information or information about one's family, work, immediate surroundings, and more).
A1 and A2 level German are closely related and you may find many similarities between them; apart from the above, you'll also learn a lot about nouns, verbs, sentence constructions, adjective endings, and prepositions at this level, among other things.
To move on to the next proficiency level you will need to take the Goethe-Zertifikat A2 exam. It is a 60 points exam and you have to score a minimum 36 points (60%) to pass the exam.
How Long Does it Take From A1 to A2 German?
With an intensive course, you can learn A1 in around 60 hours and A2 in 120 hours.
How Long Does It Take To Learn German B1?
It takes around 80 hours per week (up to 8 weeks) to learn the German B1 level, also known as the intermediate level. Depending on what you retained from your previous A1 and A2 level, you'll have to take about 350 or 650 45-minute units of instruction.
By reaching this level, you will be able to ask for directions and communicate with locals in German-speaking areas within Europe or Germany. At B1 and B2 levels, you'll be asked to read newspaper clippings and a few excerpts from TV shows or movies to improve your reading skills. To see patterns more easily, it's a good idea to start reading children's books at the elementary level instead.
You'll see which noun genders and verb tenses are used, and it is an excellent practice to determine articles that go with the noun genders. To move on to the next proficiency level you will need to take the Goethe-Zertifikat B1 exam.
Can I Learn German B1 in One Month?
To complete your German B1 level, also known as the intermediate level, you will need to spend at least 80 hours per week studying for one month. Goeth Institut estimates that you'll need between 350 and 650 45-minute teaching units, depending on your previous level of A1 or A2.
How Long Does It Take To Learn German B2?
It takes about 450 to 600 hours to learn the German B2 level. With B2, speakers can converse fluently with native speakers without speaking slowly or using simple words.
You will be able to express yourself in detail and with a wide range of expressions if you reach B2, give your opinions on things and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various choices.
To move on to the next proficiency level you will need to take the Goethe-Zertifikat B2 exam. When you pass this exam, you will demonstrate your understanding of complex texts on concrete and abstract topics and describe your position on a current issue in a clear and detailed manner, explain the benefits and drawbacks of various options, and explain your position on a current issue. The learning time is based on each level individually.
Can I Complete B2 German in 6 Months?
On average, you would need 7-9 months to reach the B2 level and get a good rating, but with enough determination it is possible to complete it for 6 months as well if you simply immerse yourself in the language. The real catch lies in how intensely you study, the number of hours you put into speaking, reading, and writing every day. The learning time is based on taking lessons of each level one after another.
Is B2 German Considered Fluent?
It's generally considered that reaching B2 is having basic fluency. You'll have a vocabulary of about 4000 words. In fact, the standard requirements at German universities are levels B2 to C1, so if it is enough to get you into a German-speaking university, it is enough to be able to communicate. But, of course, there is always more you can learn.
How Long Does It Take To Learn German C1?
It takes 600 to 750 hours to learn the German C1 level. As a result of completing level C1, you will be able to understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts. You will be able to recognize implicit meaning and express ideas fluently and spontaneously without having to search for words.
In addition to using language flexibly and effectively for social, academic, and professional purposes, you can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text, demonstrating controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors, and cohesive devices.
German at the C1 level is considered advanced and demonstrates full command of German grammar and vocabulary. With German C1 level fluency, you can do just about any job that requires an excellent German speaker, so you have many employment opportunities worldwide.
To move on to the next proficiency level, you will need to take the Goethe-Zertifikat C1 exam, which requires very advanced language skills.
Can I Reach German C1 in 6 Months?
Depending on your ability and dedication, you might reach the C1 level in 6 months if you study full-time, without distractions, and follow a serious study method.
How Long Does It Take To Learn German C2?
To reach the C2 level, you should have studied German for at least 750 hours, but it might take up to 3 years. Students in C2 can comprehend practically everything they read or hear effortlessly. They can summarize information from various written and spoken sources, logically explaining the reasons and explanations.
While even native German speakers struggle to reach the C2 level, practice makes perfect, so you will definitely reach your German speaking goals if you are determined to do so. To finish this level, you will need to take the Goethe-Zertifikat C2: Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom (GDS) exam.
After completing the C2 level, you will be capable of understanding a wide range of challenging, longer texts, recognizing implicit meaning, expressing ideas fluently and spontaneously, and using language for social, academic, and professional purposes flexibly and effectively.
What is the Hardest Part of Learning German?
The hardest part of learning German is that there are three grammatical genders, and its grammar is too complex, making it challenging to master. There are many things in German that can be expressed using two different words with the same meaning. The choice will depend on the context and stylistic criteria. This also applies to whole sentences and expressions.
Here are some of the hardest things about learning German:
- Grammar. There are grammar rules in German that are different from the rules in other languages. This is because German has a relatively high level of "inflection," in which words change depending on their grammatical role.
- Pronunciation. German learners sometimes mispronounce when they speak because they don't hold their mouths as tightly shut as Germans do. When you watch a German speak, you will notice that they barely open their mouths.
- There are three genders. There are three types of gender (masculine, feminine, and neutral), and only a few vague rules (words that end in -ung are usually feminine, those that end in -er are usually masculine), but most importantly, the gender is not always determined by the word structure, but by some completely random criteria.
How Can I Learn German Fast?
Language learning takes time, so be patient with yourself and find a method that works for you. Several online forums are available where students can gather and discuss how to learn German while practicing the language. Join them and participate in the discussions. It's well known that your brain retains information and connects it when you're having fun, so try to keep yourself entertained.
Immersion motivates German learners to use the language daily, connects them with native speakers, and teaches them valuable cultural knowledge about German society.
Here are a few tips on how to learn German fast:
- Study everyday. You'll reach levels faster if you maintain a regular schedule with many hours of study each week.
- Find native speakers. German-speaking friends encourage you to use the language actively. You have to understand and reply to whatever you and your German-speaking friend are discussing, whether it is verbally or in writing. Best of all, some German-speaking friends may even offer you tips for pronunciation and help you learn a little grammar and vocabulary.
- Use free apps. Several apps focus on vocabulary, some on grammar, and others on finding a language partner. Sometimes all you need is a change in materials or topics. Put your favorite apps to regular use if you want to see faster progress.
- Explore German culture. When you plan to visit a place in Germany, you should take some time to learn about their culture. You can do this by watching videos, reading, or looking at language samples online.
Can I Learn German in 3 Months?
Yes, you can, however, how quickly you learn depends on a few things, like your efforts, practice, and learning method.
Can I Learn German in 6 Months?
It will take around 350 hours of study to reach an intermediate level of German. If you practice your German for 15 hours a week, you'll be able to reach it within six months.
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