Harvard Does Not Disclose Racial Data for Class of 2028 Admissions

United States North America Higher Education News by Erudera News Dec 22, 2023

Harvard University in spring

Harvard University has not yet published data on the racial demographics of students who have been accepted to the Class of 2028 through early admission.

The Harvard Crimson reported last week that race was not considered in the selection process for the first time in Harvard’s admissions history.

Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, William Fitzsimmons, told the source that he has not been informed on how racial demographics in admissions have affected the current cycle.

However, Fitzsimmons assured that Harvard would publish data on race and ethnicity after it decides on the final admissions, Erudera.com reports.

The acceptance rate for the Class of 2028 through the early decision process increased to 8.74 percent - up by more than 1 percent from the previous year. Yet, this year’s early admission acceptance rate remains the fourth lowest in Harvard’s history.

In other words, the university has admitted to the class of 2028 a total of 692 early applicants out of a pool of 7,921, the majority of whom are women (53.1 percent).

This year’s acceptance rate is the highest since 2019, when Harvard admitted 13.9 percent of early decision applicants to the Class of 2024.

The university received the most applications from students in New England, accepting 22.3 percent of applicants from the area.

Students from the mid-Atlantic account for 20.8 percent of early admits. Of these, 17.2 percent are from the West, 14.5 percent are from the South, and 8.4 percent are from the Midwest.

“I think there are more inspirational stories in the past two or three or four classes at Harvard, and that has not ended,” Fitzsimmons told the Crimson.

Fitzsimmons further said that admission officers will not have access to race and ethnicity data during Harvard’s admission process for the Class of 2028, explaining that the decision comes as the university adheres to the court’s ruling.

“Based on advice of counsel, admission officers will not have access to data on race or ethnicity until the admissions process is entirely over,” he said.

The deadline for students to decide whether they want to accept offers of admission is May 1, 2024.

The admission rate for the Class of 2027 was 7.56 percent, 7.87 percent for the Class of 2026, and 7.41 percent for the Class of 2025.

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