

Student Self Introduction: Benefits, Ti…

Student Self Introduction: Benefits, Tips, and What to Avoid [+5 Examples]

Hi everyone,

My name is [my name] and I write informative and well-researched content for Erudera. I have [number] years of experience when it comes to educational content, university studies, and anything related to writing. My experience has allowed me to be well-equipped to help students when it comes to their university-related concerns.

My hobbies include reading, writing, and researching. So, when I am outside of work (where I read, write, and research) I still read, write, and research! Since I have turned my passion into my work, it gives me great pleasure to compile helpful guides for people who have questions to ask.

Thank you for considering Erudera when it comes to questions related to education!

Here’s everything you need to know about student self introduction:

The Importance of a Good Student Self Introduction

A student self introduction is an opportunity for you to talk about yourself, your personality, highlight your strengths, hobbies, skills, and experience, clearly and confidently. Whether you are introducing yourself to the university admissions committee, your classroom, your instructors, or anyone else, really, a self introduction gives you the chance to help people see who you are as well as understand your goals and ambitions.

A few benefits of a good student self introduction include:

  • You allow a good first impression. A powerful self introduction gives you a say in people’s first impression on you. If you are able to describe yourself and your personality clearly, people will create a good impression, which can open many doors in the academic, professional, or social scene.
  • You highlight your best qualities. A bold student self introduction will allow you to highlight your best qualities. You will tell people about your strengths and your values. You will be able to talk about hobbies and interests, which will create the impression that you know yourself and what you want, and are willing to work for it.
  • You convey self-confidence. Self confidence is important in any sphere of life. A good self introduction will help you convey this confidence to others. By highlighting all the important aspects of your personality, including how you overcame any failures or downfalls, you will convey that you are confident enough to tackle any obstacles, in any setting or situation.
  • You pique curiosity. This goes without saying. A bold and powerful self introduction will pique curiosity. From your personality to your ambitions, people will want to know more about what you can offer. At the end of the day, confident individuals who can express themselves clearly will often pique people’s interest.

Quite interesting, huh? Keep reading to learn more on how to write a powerful student self introduction that conveys confidence and attracts curiosity.

How to Prepare a Good Student Self Introduction

Talking about oneself can be challenging, mostly because you do not know where to focus, which characteristics to highlight, and what exactly makes a, so called, impressive self introduction. Let’s get on it.

Here are a few tips on how to prepare a good self introduction as a student:

Always Greet and Smile Before Starting

A simple greeting and a warm smile will show good manners, a positive attitude, and respect. Showing respect is the key to a good first impression. Regardless of how good your self-introduction is, you will not leave a good impression if you are rude and inconsiderate.

Begin With Demographic Information

Yes, you should begin with your name, age, origin, education, and/or employment status. You will talk about these aspects of your life briefly but clearly. These will set the stage for what follows and will allow the audience to better understand your background and relate it to your hobbies, interests, and ambitions.

Talk About Skills and Experience

Talking about your skills is important because you want to let the audience know how and what you learned from your previous education and experience. This could include skills you learned during university studies, any internships, volunteer work, or employment experience you might have, it does not matter what or how long — what matters is the skills you gained.

Include Hobbies and Interests

Now, you want to continue with your hobbies and interests. Make sure you do not take too long talking about either, because you do not want the conversation/essay to focus solely on one aspect of your life — it will get boring. Talking about hobbies will give the audience an insight into your way of thinking and reasoning. It will also show a unique aspect of your personality.

For example, if you like reading, talk about reasons you like reading and the books you like to read. Similarly, if you like writing, talk about reasons you like writing and whether you like to write prose or poetry, fiction or nonfiction, and similar details like these ones. If you like sports, include the reasons you like sports and the types of sports you practice.

Discuss Achievements

Your achievements could be anything, from grades, awards, competitive results, honors, contributions to the community, perfect attendance, etc. Your achievements are not simply certificates and titles, they highlight the aspect of yourself that is committed, dedicated, and hard-working.

Remember to include these into the conversation, not in a boastful manner but rather to build up on your skills, values, and determination.

Mention Strengths and Weaknesses

Talking about your strengths and weaknesses lets the audience know how self-aware you are. You should begin talking about your strengths by mentioning something related to the university program you’re applying for. You want to mention something that makes you reliable and trustworthy when it comes to success in the field you have chosen to study.

When it comes to weaknesses, you want to be honest but strategic. However, not too honest in the sense that it will make the audience doubt your position/ability. You want to go with something unrelated to your area of interest. For example, you could mention that you struggle with, let’s say, flexibility — as in you have difficulty adapting to changes in plans.

Whatever you mention in terms of weaknesses, make sure you specify that you are working to improve them. List the steps you think will help you turn your weakness into a strength.

Show Your Unique Qualities

Do not be afraid to talk about what makes you stand out. If you’re a creative person, mention that you are creative. If you have emotional intelligence or empathy, mention this to the audience. Make sure to highlight how these unique qualities have helped you succeed up until now and why you think they are important.

Make Connections

Whatever you decide to mention in your student self-introduction, make sure to make a connection to the university/program. You can research the university’s mission, vision, and values and try to make a connection to how your strengths and values align with those of the university.

Provide Insights Into Your Likes

There are many things you can mention that will allow the audience to better understand you and your likes/dislikes. For example, some other things you could also include are:

  • People who inspire you. You can talk about a person who inspires you. Someone who is your role model. Mention why they are important to you and the reasons why their ideals align with yours.
  • Favorite books/movies/artists. By doing this, you have the chance to mention something that you like and give the audience an insight into your personality and your way of thinking and reasoning.


After completing your introduction, thank the audience for taking the time to listen to you. Make sure to give them the chance to ask any questions they might have.

Student Self Introduction: What to Avoid

Try to avoid the following during your self-introduction:

  • Avoid being too casual/informal. Although feeling comfortable while doing your self-introduction is important, you should avoid using slang or informal language.
  • Avoid being disrespectful. Be mindful of any comment that might come off as rude or disrespectful. This could also include body language. You should face the audience with an open body language, mind your tone, and avoid any comment that might be perceived as negative.
  • Avoid repeating the contents of your CV. You should mention your experience and accomplishments, of course, but do not make the introduction only a repetition of your CV. Try to include extra details that connect your experience/skills/values to your university/area of interest. Provide context regarding how you gained your skills and why they are important to you.
  • Avoid sharing too much personal information. While sharing your hobbies is relevant, you do not want to go on too long about it, especially if what you’re detailing is not relevant to the context of your area of interest.
  • Avoid a super lengthy introduction. You do not want your introduction to sound like rambling. Be brief about anything you mention, from the experience to the hobbies. The ideal duration of a self introduction should be less than two minutes. So be mindful of what you include and how much time you allocate to each detail.

Practicing Student Self Introduction

Practice makes perfect, right? It really does. A self-introduction that you scribbled down quickly and did not practice will not be of lesser value than one you spent time preparing and practicing.

A few ways to practice your self-introduction include:

  • Write it down in detail. Write your introduction down, either on paper or on your laptop. This will help you keep your introduction tidy and concise.
  • Stand in front of a mirror and practice the contents of your introduction. By practicing your introduction out loud, you will see how long it’s taking, and you will have a chance to either shorten it or lengthen it.
  • Record yourself. You can always record yourself to analyze your tone and delivery.
  • Get a different perspective. You can ask someone you trust to listen to you and give you feedback. Someone else’s point of view can make you see things differently because one can get lost in all the writing and practicing. A fresh perspective can always help, especially in such cases.

Student Self Introduction: Three Examples

Example 1: College Interview Student Self Introduction

My name is [your name], I was born and raised in [your hometown/country], and I am currently a senior at [your high school]. I am interested in pursuing a degree in [preferred major] at [university name]. Initially, thank you for allowing me to introduce myself.

During my high school years, I took an interest in [your academic area of interest]. In fact, I continuously took classes in this subject area because I wanted to challenge myself and learn more. In addition, I have gained skills such as problem-solving, time management, and leadership from extracurricular activities, such as [insert extracurricular activities]. I value these skills because I strongly believe they will help me be successful in my academic pursuits in [your preferred subject area].

I used my time management skills to also work on my hobbies and interests. Some of my hobbies include [your hobbies]. When I am not involved in my academic responsibilities, I am usually [your hobby] or [your other hobby]. What is especially interesting about these hobbies is that they help develop my soft skills, such as critical thinking and creativity.

I want to mention that creativity* and critical thinking* are two of my greatest strengths, which I can use both in real life as well in professional or academic settings. Up until now, they have been a great help to my accomplishments. One weakness I’d like to mention is flexibility*. I need some time to adjust to abrupt changes in plans. However, I am working hard to turn this weakness into a strength, by exposing myself to situations where I need to adapt quickly.

I am thrilled to continue my academic interests at [university name]. I am also certain that my skills, enthusiasm, and work ethic will make me a strong candidate for [preferred major]. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me and for considering my application. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have.

*hypothetical examples. you can easily adapt them to your self-introduction.

Example 2: Classroom Student Self Introduction

Hi everyone,

My name is [your name], and I come from [your hometown/country]. I am [your age], and I look forward to being a part of this classroom.

I am interested in [your hobbies], so when I am outside of the classroom and not engaged in academic activities, I usually engage in [your hobby] or [your hobby].

My favorite subjects in school are [your favorite subjects] and my favorite extracurricular activities include [insert extracurricular activities].

I am excited to be here with you and can’t wait for us to learn together. Please feel free to approach me with any questions you might have.

Thank you for listening to me!

Example 3: Student Self Introduction Letter to Teacher

Dear [Teacher’s Name],

I am writing this letter to introduce myself since I am one of your students this year.

My name is [your name], I come from [your hometown/country], and I am [your age]. I look forward to being in your class because I am always enthusiastic about learning more and curious about what your class has to offer.

I am a dedicated student who enjoys challenges. Some of my hobbies include [your hobbies]. Outside the classroom and when I am not involved in academic activities, I like to [your hobby] or [your hobby].

I also like being involved in extracurricular activities. Currently I have joined [your extracurricular activity] and [another extracurricular activity]. These activities help me get exposure to different areas of interest.

One of my strengths is curiosity* and hard work*. However, I would say one of my weaknesses is public speaking*. Nevertheless, I am working towards transforming this weakness into a strength, by staying more organized, practicing, and focusing on myself rather than the public. I believe I will overcome this in no time.

Thank you! I am excited for the year to come.

*hypothetical examples. you can easily adapt them to your self-introduction.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Take a look at these frequently asked questions when it comes to student self introduction.

How Do I Start My Self Introduction?

Always start by introducing yourself. If you have not greeted the audience yet, start with a simple greeting then proceed to tell your name, surname, hometown, and age.

What Is the Best Self Introduction?

The best self introduction is one that is cohesive, radiates confidence, comfort, positivity. There is no one answer when it comes to a good self introduction. Just make sure to keep it brief, informative, and concise because you do not want to “bore” the audience.

However, you should not keep it too short, in that it feels like you’re rushing through it. Find a perfect balance according to the instructions in this article.

How Can I Introduce Myself in 10 Lines in English?

You can easily introduce yourself in 10 lines in English. Here’s how:

  1. In the first line, talk about your name, hometown, and age.
  2. In the second line, talk about the purpose of your self introduction.
  3. In the third line, talk about your experience and skills.
  4. In the fourth line, elaborate on these skills and show how they relate to the context.
  5. In the fifth line, talk about your hobbies and interests.
  6. In the sixth line, elaborate on these hobbies and show why you like your hobbies.
  7. In the seventh line, talk about your strengths.
  8. In the eighth line, talk about your weaknesses.
  9. In the ninth line, talk about what you’re doing to overcome your weaknesses.
  10. In the tenth line, conclude your introduction.

How Can I Introduce Myself More Confidently?

To sound more confident, you need to believe the things you are saying. This is one thing. Here are some other things to keep in mind when it comes to sounding more confident:

  • Speak slowly and clearly.
  • Have an open body language.
  • Avoid filler words.
  • Keep a friendly eye contact.
  • Smile.
  • Practice your self introduction.

Is 4 Minutes Too Long for ‘Tell Me About Yourself’?

It is recommended to complete your introduction in less than two minutes. However, this depends on several factors, such as how relevant the details you are including are, and whether or not the introduction is engaging.

How Do You Introduce Yourself Before Speech as a Student? [Example 4]

If you want to introduce yourself before a speech, as a student, here’s how you should do it:

  • Greet the audience.
  • Say your name, surname, and where you are from.
  • Mention your skills and interests (to show credibility when it comes to the speech).
  • Provide a short summary of what you will be talking about.
  • Show you are open to taking questions (during/after the speech).

How Do You Introduce Yourself Online as a Student? [Example 5]

If you’re attending an online course and want to introduce yourself to your class, make sure to keep it brief and clear.

For example:

Hi everyone! My name is [your name]. I live in [city/country] but I am originally from [hometown]. It’s my first time attending an online course but I am sure we’ll have a great time together! I’m looking forward to learning and socializing with you. I wish you all good luck!