
University Rankings

Cornell University School of Industrial…

The New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR) is an industrial relations school at Cornell University, located in Ithaca, New York, United States. The School has six academic departments which include: Economics, Human Resource Management, International and Comparative Labor, Labor Relations, Organizational Behavior, and Social Statistics.

Established by the state legislature in 1945, the school is a statutory or contract college through the State University of New York (SUNY) system and receives funding from the State of New York. It was the world's first school for college-level study in workplace issues and remains as one of the leading institutions for industrial relations. In addition to its undergraduate curriculum, the school offers professional and doctoral degrees, as well as executive education programs.

In Fall 2016, the School received 1,925 freshman applications and accepted 235 students (12.2% acceptance rate)

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