Fewer International Students Would Choose to Study in US If Trump Wins, Survey Finds

United States North America Higher Education News International Studies by Erudera News Aug 15, 2024

US former president Donald Trump

A new report suggests that a Joe Biden’s presidency would attract more international students than Donald Trump’s.

Fewer potential international students said they would choose to study in the United States if the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, wins the 2024 US presidential election compared to those who would if Biden were to be a president again, Erudera.com reports.

According to the “Know Your Neighborhood” report by Intead and Studyportals completed between March and April, 30 percent expressed being more likely to study under Trump’s presidency. Yet, the percentage is higher (44 percent) if the Democratic candidate Biden at the time were to win the election. Now, the US Vice-President Kamala Harris is the Democratic presidential nominee.

“A sizable number, 44 percent of respondents, indicated that a victory by Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate, would make them more likely to consider studying in the US. In the same vein, a win by Donald Trump, the Republican candidate, would make 28 percent of respondents less likely to pursue studies in the US,” the report reads.

“...a strong contingency, 30 percent, expressed being more likely to choose to study in the U.S. under a Trump presidency,” it adds.

According to the findings, 28 percent of respondents said they were less likely to study in the US if former US president Trump returns to the office in November compared to 13 percent who said the same if Biden returns.

Trump took a harsher stance against student protests over the Israel-Hamas war, which popped up on many college campuses across the United States earlier this year to further spread worldwide.

The Republican US presidential candidate said he would deport international students participating in pro-Palestinian protests, pledging to defeat the “radical revolution.”

He also applauded the work of the New York Police Department for removing pro-Palestinian encampments from the US Columbia University campus.

In mid-April, Columbia University set up a solidarity encampment, with students asking the institution to divest from companies tied to Israel. This movement motivated students on other campuses in the US and worldwide to protest and make their demands.

The United States hosts the most international students in the world. More than one million international students studied in the US in 2022/2023, a 12 percent increase compared to the previous academic year (2021/22).

According to the Open Doors report released by the Institute of International Education (IIE) last November, the increase was the fastest growth rate in over 40 years. US universities saw a 2 percent decline in Chinese students. However, China remains the top source of international students, with 289,526.

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